Studies show that defects in tires cause about 30% of all truck-related accidents. When you own a commercial truck, learning to take care of your commercial truck wheels can help you avoid unnecessary accidents.

An important part of truck wheel maintenance is learning about common problems that plague commercial truck wheels. Do you want to learn more about the most common problems your commercial truck tires may experience and how you can avoid them? 

Keep reading this guide to learn more about truck wheel maintenance for commercial vehicles!

Overinflated or Underinflated Tires

One of the most common problems you can experience with commercial tires is having overinflated or underinflated tires. It is essential that you have the right amount of air in your tires, otherwise, it can lead to premature damage to your tires. 

When your tires are overinflated, it makes it difficult for them to fully come in contact with the road, which affects their grip. This makes it more difficult to handle your vehicle and can result in an accident. 

Overinflated tires are also more likely to burst because they have too much pressure. 

Underinflated tires can also cause many problems with your commercial trucks, like difficulty steering, more wear and tear, and a higher risk of tire damage. To avoid these problems, you must find the recommended PSI for the make and model of your tires. This way, you will know exactly how much air to fill them up with. 

Wrong Tire Selection

Choosing the wrong tires for your commercial truck can be very dangerous. This is because different vehicles require tires of different sizes, designs, and components. 

If you choose the wrong tires for your needs, you will be putting tires on road conditions that they are not made to handle. This can cause your tires to wear out early. 

When selecting tires, make sure you consider the tire type, tire width, wheel diameter, and more. You should also consider the conditions you will be driving in. For example, you may need off-road tires if your commercial vehicle is regularly driving off the beaten path. 

It is also important that you don’t choose mismatched tires. It is not recommended that you replace one tire at a time, as this can put extra stress on your truck. Instead, you must replace the entire set to ensure that your tires are not in different stages of wear and tear. 

When you work with a reliable tire company to find commercial truck wheels, they can help you find the right tires for your commercial truck. 

Cracks and Bulges

When your commercial truck wheels have cracks and bulges, it will often require an 18-wheeler tire repair. Typically, your commercial truck wheels will only experience cracks and bulges if you didn’t inflate your tires to the right PSI. 

Cracks and bulges are a major safety hazard for commercial truck drivers and can lead to a tire blowout and other types of damage to your wheel and suspension systems. 

Make sure you regularly inspect your tires for signs of wear to prevent additional damage. Proper tire inflation can also help you protect your commercial truck wheels from this type of damage. 

Uneven Tread Wear

Commercial vehicles can also experience uneven tread wear, which may increase the chance of your tires blowing out or getting a flat. 

Often, uneven tread wear is due to alignment issues with your commercial truck. If the tires are not balanced or rotated, certain parts of the tire will wear out much faster than others. 

This creates problems with the wear patterns of your tires and may require an early replacement. 

You can prevent this uneven tread wear by regularly balancing and rotating your tires. It is also essential that you get pre-trip inspections before a long drive to ensure that your tread is wearing out evenly. 

Lack of Maintenance

Lack of maintenance is another common problem that you need to avoid when you own commercial trucks. Tire maintenance is necessary if you want your truck to run smoothly and if you want to prevent unnecessary problems while driving. 

Tire maintenance should include regular inspections to check the structural integrity of your tires, your groove depth, and more. 

Getting regular commercial truck tire repair will ensure that your tires are in great condition and will help you avoid situations where you need emergency road services

Premature Damage

Finally, you may experience problems with your tires if you drive over a road hazard or have an impact on your tires. When you hit something while driving, it can lead to impact damage on the casing of your tires and can cause a damaged sidewall. 

This is one of the easiest types of damage you can prevent. Simply make sure that you never drive over objects, like curbs, at a high speed or at the wrong angle. 

If you are on the road and have some sort of impact or damage to your tires, you can find a mobile semi-truck tire repair near me. 

Problems With Commercial Truck Wheels? We Can Help

When you own commercial trucks, learning to take care of your truck wheels is an essential part of maintenance. Learning more about these common truck wheel problems can help you avoid them and protect your car!

If you need help with commercial truck wheels and maintenance, Keating & Son’s Tire and Commercial Services can help! We provide 24-hour emergency road service for commercial truck repair and tire repair services. 

Contact us today to learn more about our semi-truck tire repair and to find commercial truck repair near me.