Working as a commercial truck driver means that you’re going to spend dozens of hours on the road weekly. The more time you spend on the road, the more likely it is that you’ll encounter a breakdown. This is why, as a commercial truck service, you need to have a good emergency road side service on your side. Wondering what such a service can do for you? Here’s everything you need to know about using a commercial roadside service for trucks. 

Types of Roadside Services Available

There are all sorts of services offered by a roadside truck service. Some of the most prominent of these services include the following: 

Tire Service   

One of the most commonly provided roadside services is tire service. After all, trucks incur flat tires on a fairly frequent basis. And because truck drivers don’t have time to spare, they need someone to come and repair their flat tires in as quick a manner as possible. 

It takes a great deal of time to tow a truck to an auto shop. With roadside service, however, the entire job can be completed in a matter of minutes. 

Roadside services are capable not only of replacing tires but of repairing them as well. They can bring tires of all types and brands and thus get you back on the road again in no time. 

During a roadside tire replacement, your roadside mechanic will check the tire’s lugnuts for wear. They’ll also replace the tire’s valve stems as well as the tires themselves. If necessary, they’ll balance the tires. 

This is far and away the most efficient way to receive tire service. For a truck driver on a tight schedule, that efficiency can be worth its weight in gold. 

Battery Service

Not only can a roadside service help you with tire replacement and repair but with battery service as well. They’re not only capable of replacing a dead battery but charging up one that’s running low. 

Should your truck require a full battery replacement, your roadside service will be able to supply you with a whole host of battery options. In essence, regardless of the type of battery your truck requires, your roadside service will have you covered. 

Note that there are things you can do to help keep your battery functional. This includes regularly testing your battery, not to mention removing any corrosion that may appear upon it. If you need help with battery maintenance while on the road, a roadside emergency service can help you with these tasks as well. 

Jump Starts

Truck batteries can power down for a variety of different reasons. For instance, cold weather often causes automotive batteries to stagnate. 

In general, these cases don’t require a full replacement of the battery. Instead, they simply necessitate a jump start. 

Now, who can you get a jump start from when you’re stranded in the middle of nowhere? A roadside emergency truck service, of course. They have all of the equipment needed to rev up your battery and get your truck back on the road. 

Belt Service

Another problem that’s common for commercial trucks to encounter on the road is worn belts. Whether it’s a serpentine belt, a timing belt, or a V-belt, if it snaps or loosens, it will greatly impair the functionality of the truck. Therefore, immediate replacement is required. 

Yes, you could have your truck towed to a nearby auto shop. On the other hand, you could instead just utilize roadside service. This way, you won’t have to move your truck at all. 

Your roadside service will bring a new belt to you and replace it on the spot. This will enable you to get back on the road in as little time as possible. 

Hose Service

Coolant and heater hoses are highly susceptible to damage. This is because they’re perpetually expanding and contracting. This eventually results in the formation of cracks and holes. 

The issue is that when one of these hoses becomes damaged, the vehicle at large struggles to function. This is particularly true in cases where radiator hoses are damaged. 

Most of these hoses last around 4 years or so. However, they can easily die out before that time has elapsed. As you might expect, then, emergency hose replacement is extremely common. 

If ever you need to replace a hose in your truck, give a call to a roadside truck service. They’ll show up at your current location, supply a new hose, and replace it as needed. 

Brake Service

There are few things more dangerous than a runaway semi-truck. This is why, when brake problems present themselves on such trucks, it’s wise to repair them in as timely a manner as possible. 

Whether it’s worn-down brake pads, a damaged brake component, or a brake system that’s got no more life left in it, a roadside truck repair service can accommodate you. 

They’ll show up at the site of your truck with all of the needed components. They’ll then finish the repairs and replacements in as efficient a manner as possible, allowing you to get back on the road pronto. 

Lockout Service

Accidents happen. Just about everyone has locked themselves out of their vehicle at least once. The important thing is that you can make your way back into your vehicle without causing it any damage. 

There are several ways to go about this. However, the quickest and most efficient option is to call up a commercial truck service and have them provide roadside assistance. 

A 24-hour emergency roadside service will have all of the tools needed to safely unlock your vehicle. This will allow you to get back on the road with little downtime, thus keeping setbacks to a minimum. 

Fuel Delivery Service

From time to time, you may find yourself in a position where you’re low on gas but far away from the nearest gas station. In the worst of these scenarios, you may actually run out of gas before reaching the closest station. 

Fortunately, you can have gas brought to the site of your breakdown. Just call up a commercial roadside service, and they’ll deliver fuel to you within an hour. 

Air Line Service

As you know, large trucks utilize air lines to inform their trailers of whether they’re stopping or not. When the brakes are applied, the air is pushed through these lines, thus prompting the brakes to engage on the trailer as well as on the truck. 

As you might expect, however, these air lines can suffer damage. When they do, they can make it extremely difficult for trucks to stop in a timely manner. As such, they can create not only a dysfunctional situation but a potentially unsafe one as well. 

Fortunately, if your truck does suffer air line damage, you won’t have to drive it any further. You can park it on the side of the road and call up a commercial truck service. They’ll show up at the site of your truck and then either repair or replace the air lines as needed. 

The Benefits of Using a Roadside Truck Service

You could also have your truck towed to a nearby auto shop. However, using roadside service is superior to this option in many ways. Some of the ways in which it’s superior include the following: 

It Saves You Time 

One of the biggest benefits of using a roadside truck service is that it will save you time. This is because there’s no need to have your truck towed elsewhere. In addition, roadside services work 24 hours a day and thus can show up at the site of your breakdown in less than an hour. 

They’ll then facilitate the repair at the site. All of this together saves you tremendous amounts of time and thus ensures that you’re able to get back on the road quickly. 

It Keeps Stress to a Minimum

Whether it’s a flat tire, a broken belt, a dead battery, or otherwise, if it results in a breakdown, it’s going to create a stressful situation. As such, when you encounter this situation, you want to handle it in a way that keeps additional stress to a minimum. 

Calling up a tow company and having your truck taken to an auto repair shop puts a lot of additional stress on your plate. Having someone repair your truck on-site, however, adds essentially no additional stress to the situation. This is why using an emergency road service is the superior option. 

It Prevents You from Being Left Stranded

Let’s say your vehicle breaks down at 2 in the morning. Unfortunately, most truck repair shops are closed at this time. As such, you’re essentially left stranded. 

Except for the fact that emergency roadside services work 24/7, of course. Because of this, there’s no real chance of you being stranded on the side of the road with your truck. A roadside truck service can come to repair your truck, regardless of the time of day. 

It Gives You Peace of Mind

When you’re driving a truck commercially, you always know that a breakdown is a possibility. As such, the mere thought of a breakdown has the potential to bring a sense of dread to your psyche. 

That’s why it’s nice to have an emergency road side service on speed dial. It gives you peace of mind that, in the event of a breakdown, you’ll have a quick solution to your problem. 

It Protects Your Truck from Further Damage

Leaving your truck stranded on the side of the highway is a risky prospect. After all, it’s in close contact with thousands upon thousands of passing cars. All it would take is for one of these cars to lose control, and — wham! — your truck would incur substantial amounts of additional damage. 

This is why, in the event of a breakdown, it’s important to get your truck off the side of the road as quickly as possible. The quickest way to do this is to utilize a roadside emergency service. They’ll complete all of the necessary repairs at the site of your breakdown, thus allowing you to get your vehicle out of harm’s way sooner rather than later. 

Picking the Right Roadside Truck Service

Now that we’ve discussed the benefits of using an emergency roadside service let’s discuss how to pick the right one. There are a few key considerations to make. 

For one, choose a service with some experience. We advise picking a company with a minimum of 2 years of reputable work. 

In addition, ensure that they’re capable of providing the service you require. For instance, not all roadside services are guaranteed to provide lockout services. This is why, before choosing a company, you should consult the services page on its website. 

You should also call the company and ask about the costs. Different roadside services are going to charge different rates. You’ll want to make sure your chosen services are affordable. 

Finally, ask about insurance coverage. Insurance will cover any damage that is incidentally done to your truck while the company is repairing it. Without insurance coverage, you could end up having to pay hundreds or thousands of additional dollars that you wouldn’t have had to pay otherwise. 

On the Hunt for an Emergency Road Side Service?

At some point, as a commercial truck driver, you’re going to find yourself in a jam. The important thing is that you have an emergency road side service on speed dial. They’ll show up at the site of your breakdown and do whatever is necessary to get your truck up and running again. 

On the hunt for a 24 hour emergency roadside service currently? Keating & Sons has you covered. We offer a variety of roadside services, including tire replacement, battery replacement, belt replacement, and more. 

Contact us now to discuss your needs!