Keating & Son’s Tire & Commercial Services provides tire service Belton, Temple, Salado, Killeen and Troy and to all areas of Bell County including
- Belton, TX
- Temple, TX
- Killeen, TX
- Harker Heights, TX
- Copperas Cove, TX
- Morgan’s, Point Resort, TX
- Nolanville, TX
- Salado, TX
- Troy, TX
- Little-River Academy, TX
- Barlett, TX
- Rogers, TX
- Holland, TX
- Moffat, TX
If you are experience a breakdown on the side of Interstate 35 or found an issue while fueling up at the Love’s Travel Center in Troy or the Cefco Truck Stop (Southwest Travel Center) or Texstar Travel Center in Temple, give us a call. Found a tire or mechanical issue with your trailer at the HEB Distribution Center or Wal-Mart Distribution Center in north Temple? We are ready to get you rolling! We provide rapid tire service in Salado at NB or SB Rest Areas. We also go to the Cefco on Hwy-36 or the south Belton Cefco and 7-Eleven to provide tire service. Keating & Son’s Tire & Commercial Services is here to get you back on the road ASAP.
We offer this road service 24-7-365. You can expect no mileage charges for tire service to Belton, Temple, Troy and Salado and minimal mileage charges to further outlying cities.
Call us now at 254-228-9116.